La Fundación Eugenio Granell quiere rendir un homenaje a Amparo Granell, fallecida el pasado 4 de agosto en Madrid, y agradecer la labor y el apoyo prestado a la fundación así como destacar su gran generosidad.(Inglés)
August-8 February
Second floor (Room I)
Second floor (Room I)
July 18 September 26, 07
A collective exhibition by surrealist artists from Americas Southern Cone (from different generations) who work through the Sonámbula Internet platform.
A collective exhibition by surrealist artists from Americas Southern Cone (from different generations) who work through the Sonámbula Internet platform.
Philip West Collection
Foundation’s Funds
Foundation’s Funds
June 1 – July 8, 2007
Second Floor (Room I)
Second Floor (Room I)
April 25 – July 12, 2007
Individual exhibition by the renowned Lugo artist Jesús Otero-Yglesias.
Individual exhibition by the renowned Lugo artist Jesús Otero-Yglesias.