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Here are the exhibitions of the Foundation

New Foundation Collection. Work by Eugenio Granell.

New Foundation Collection. Work by Eugenio Granell. The exhibition is made up of a huge amount of work by Eugenio Granell, which will fill all of the museum’s exhibition space. The Granell family has contributed to the Granell Foundation’s pre-existing collection (whose last donation was formalised during 2007) a notable quantity of new work by the artist, works by other artists belonging to the family’s private collection (featuring names such as Picasso, Cesariny, Le Courbusier…) and traditional works of art, as well as personal objects belonging to the artist that formed part of his sancta sanctorum and, consequently, his creative space. An important part of this legacy is Granell’s graphic work, quantitively speaking, as well as a considerable number of large oils and an extremely interesting group of object-based work (both constructions and objets d’art). In relation to his graphic work, it is worth highlighting the important amount of drawing notebooks and sketches in the… Read More »New Foundation Collection. Work by Eugenio Granell.


The Granell Foundation presents the exhibition Santiago de Compostela in the Granell Foundation, the city where Eugenio Granell spent his childhood and adolescence and which hosts his Foundation.


From November 26 to December 12, 2010.
Every year since the brilliant artist’s death, the Granell Foundation commemorates Eugenio Granell’s birthday with different kinds of events.


Ya de niños ejercitábamos, sin darnos cuenta de ello, el arte de atizar fantasmagorías, ensueños y adivinaciones que no habían de desaparecer del todo del curso ondulado de la vida. (Eugenio Granell, Memorias de Compostela visión orlada de estrellas, islas, árboles y antorchas. Fundación Eugenio Granell, Santiago de Composetela, 2006, pág 49)   Aquel día tuve la revelación de que hay dos formas de vida. La sencilla y la complicada; la franciscana, consistente en ser amigo de los animales sin jactancia, y la pérez y pérez, consistente en presumir de ser amigo de los animales. (Ibidem, pág.64)   La cirugía del desvanecimiento forzado de los sentimientos por las circunstancias, no es menos dolorosa que la física que secciona los cuerpos. Podría preguntárseme y yo mismo me lo pregunté ,porque no intenté reanudar la relación con los seres prodigiosos que iluminaron mi camino. (Ibidem, (pág 94)   Cuando oigo un disco de gaita siento que estoy… Read More »EUGENIO GRANELL’S BIRTHDAY

The Museum will be closed

The Museum will be closed while the building is undergoing a renovation
Our offices will be at the Fundación Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, rúa do Vilar, nº 7, bajo, 15705 Santiago de Compostela